All tube EQ from 1962 for DAW
ValveTone '62 from is sure not a new plugin. But it took me some time to give it a try. Mainly because of the free Pluggo extensions that are needed to run this plug as vst. In the past Pluggo did not run too well on my DAW. Anyway, this time i did not have any problems with the Pluggo extensions and could test valvetone. Just after playing with it for about an hour i had to order this unique, vibe-laden plugin that pays tribute to the EQs of yesterday.
Damon, Co-Founder of Tritonedigital, says: "The ValveTone, in case you didn't know, is based on an all tube EQ from 1962. It's part of a rackmounted mono mixer (all tube and p2p wired) from a small company called Grommes. No frequency markers, just TONE. Also a great set of mic preamps, very EMI red series. Seriously "touch sensitive" to use a guitar amp phrase. Great for rock and roll bass, vocals and mono drums. Also the most insane tube overdrive and "fuzz" when cranked all the way up." More ...

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